Events and Monthly Meetings

Monthly Meeting

About Monthly Meetings

Each month from September through May, South Shore Audubon Society presents a nature-themed program. All are invited to attend; and there is absolutely no charge.

DATE: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - In-Person

TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PLACE: Freeport Memorial Library - 144 W. Merrick Rd. (at S. Ocean Ave.)

Bobby & Cathy HorvathSpeaker(s): Bobby & Cathy Horvath

Topic: Rescued Wildlife

Enjoy a meet-and-greet with live animals that the Horvaths have rescued and rehabilitated over the years under the nonprofit WINORR—Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation. Although unreleasable, these rescues serve as ambassadors and educators.

Bobby and Cathy have federal and state licenses to provide professional care for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife. They receive no funds from federal, state, or county agencies, and are totally dependent on donations, grants, and fundraisers to pay for their daily operations.

Visit WINORR on Facebook to donate.

Open to the public. Free of charge. Light refreshments served. No need to RSVP.