Thanks to the much-appreciated support of longtime member Evelyn Bishop and her daughter, Leah Bishop, each year the South Shore Audubon Society offers a $2,000 Environmental Scholarship to a college junior, senior, or graduate student who is continuing their studies toward a degree in an area of environmental or conservation science.
This scholarship program began in 1994 and was named in memory of Evelyn’s husband Jerry Bishop. Although Evelyn passed away in October, 2021, the Bishop family’s generosity continues with annual donations from Leah Bishop.
In recognition of this generosity and in recognition of the importance of enhancing environmental resiliency in an era when our very existence is threatened by environmental degradation such as global warming, water shortages, uncontrollable wild fires, and so many other man-made threats to the environment, we have changed the name of the scholarship to the Evelyn and Jerry Bishop Environmental Scholarship, and have broadened the eligibility requirement to include not only wildlife management, forestry, animal behavior, ecology, marine biology, oceanography, mammalogy, or ornithology; but also sustainable and renewable energy.
Applicants should be residents of one of the towns listed at and/or attend a college in Nassau or Suffolk County.
For more information please contact Betsy Gulotta,, or Betty Borowsky,
Applications are due by April 30, 2025.